The Ex-Mass Marketing Blues

Music: Peter Sprague
Lyrics: Randy Phillips

You know the traffic's stalled
at the Mission Valley Mall
parking is a thing of the past
They're blaring Jingle Bells
and it sounds like hell
A Zombie call to capture your cash
It's been escalating since Halloween
I’m headed to the Mezzanine
To chug some rum and empty my flask

There's way too much to buy
and my checkbook’s running dry
from another gift that nobody needs
My list is too damn long
It just feels inherently wrong
A blow-up blimp of Santa? Oh please!!

I got the American consumer blues
The X-Mass marketing blues
It’s what we do, I don’t know why

So I’m cranky at Christmas
Another swig might just fix this
Sentimental sugar plum scene
As I grinch along this Holiday scene

The laughing shoppers
The sons and daughters
The twinkling tree lights
The sparkling cool nights

I got the American consumer blues
There’s so much more than buying stuff blues
St. Nick just kick me off of this ride


You know we’ve got it all
Beyond the Mission Valley Mall
Though I complain, I do not mean to offend
As we shop like mad
It’s maybe not so bad
To share some open time with family and friend
And even though it doesn’t snow
My bank account’s running low
Peace, Love and Joy cost nothing to spend

The girl ahead of me
Paid for my coffee
I’d been standing in line for awhile
She turned and winked
And then everyone smiled

The laughing shoppers
The sons and daughters
The twinkling tree lights
The sparkling cool nights

It’s the American consumer blues
I’m feeling much better, it could be the booze
Or just a change of attitude
A shift of mental latitude

I got American consumer blues
The X-Mass marketing blues
It’s what we do, I don’t know why